How To Take Care Of Your Team Members So They Are More Productive And Engaged
Posted on June 3, 2021
The most valuable resource in your company are your team members. Spark Packaging works together with companies to hire and recruit the best team members for the packaging, printing, and converting industries. We know that culture is important in any workplace, so we work closely with our clients to help create a positive work environment through the team members we recruit nationwide.
We help clients by interviewing candidates who have similar values and are passionate about what they do. This process helps you find new hires who will contribute positively to the team! In this article, we will look at how you can ensure your team members feel like they are taken care of.
Be a Good Listener
One of the key traits of a great leader is to be an effective listener. Giving instructions while also being open to feedback creates an environment for two-way communication. Listening unveils the concerns of team members, which allows for a productive way to come up with a solution.
The Importance of Recognition
Recognizing team members for their contributions has a positive impact on how they feel. It’s not just about giving out plaques to a team member but also acknowledging achievements in a team setting such as sharing with co-workers how much that person contributed to the company’s success. Acknowledging team members publicly is one way to motivate them and encourages others to contribute too.
Motivation Matters
Team members are motivated when they know there are opportunities for growth and development within your organization. Make sure you are providing feedback at work meetings and having one-on-one conversations where employees can share their thoughts openly without fear of retaliation or judgment.
Provide Opportunities for Growth
If you care for your team members, you will surely make ways to help them strive for excellence and grow as an individual. This can be done by identifying a gap in their skill set and working towards making it better by providing training opportunities to enhance their skills.
Give Feedback in a Positive Way
When your team members know that you are there for them, they will be more willing to help others as well. People feel valued when their leaders take the time to show appreciation for their hard work and effort as well as provide positive feedback. Demonstrating appreciation should be done weekly, when applicable, not just once a year during an annual evaluation.
Provide Opportunities for Development
When team members are given an opportunity for development they will obtain new skills and improve work performance. You can provide opportunities such as training programs and conferences where professionals from different industries come together and gain insight into what’s happening elsewhere in the industry.
Spark Packaging provides recruitment solutions for companies across the US to save them the trouble of hiring talented team members. Get in touch with us or learn how we can help you.